We would like to welcome you to our home! This is a page for us to share with our friends and family some of our joys out of life….as an individual and together! Also to stay in touch with our family and friends that we are not able to see every day! You will find that we have both listed our favorite web sites that we have found and of course, I've added a stamping site. You will find the story of how we met online, fell in love, and married several years later. And that's not all.....you will also find a web page dedicated to pictures of friends, family, and the two of us! We would like to have your input so we have included both of our address so you can contact us...depending on what you have to say. If you have anything bad to say….send it on over to Travis (hahaha) and if you have anything good to say...well then, I'll gladly take that! No, seriously, we would both enjoy your feedback so please contact one of us! Now it's time for us to be quiet, and you to go explore…...Have fun!